About Jonathan Janusiak

Pet Dander in Air Ducts - Healthy Living Air Duct Cleaning West Allis WI

Cleaning Pet Dander in the Home & Ductwork

A large majority of the population suffers from respiratory illnesses such as allergies or asthma. Additionally, it is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of this number overall is allergic to dog or cat dander. If your furry friend lives indoors, this is extremely significant to the air quality...

New Home Construction Healthy Living Air Duct Cleaning Southeast Wisconsin

New Home Construction Air Duct Cleaning

When constructing a new home, one of the first things that is installed in the home is the HVAC system. That includes not only the furnace and its components, but also the ductwork. We all know that the process of building a new home is a dusty, dirty job. ...


Commercial Vents

Do the overhead vents in your office building look like this? If so, your office air ducts need cleaning.  Not sure, have us come for an inspection. Unfortunately it is often an afterthought to have the ductwork cleaned inside office buildings. Studies have shown that poor air quality in...

Before and After Air Ducts

Before and After Duct Cleaning

How do you know the results of your duct cleaning? People always ask us if we have before and after images. Of course most people don’t look inside the ducts in their homes unless they have to. So, unless they need to retrieve a beloved toy their two-year-old dropped...

allergies and dust in the home

What’s in the dust in your home?

That’s a good question. The composition of the particles in dust is different in each and every home, and it depends on where you live, who lives/lived in your home, whether you have pets, your lifestyle, and even the food you cook. When you look closely at dust, very...


Air Ducts in a Smoker’s House

We’ve all heard what smoking does to our lungs, but do you know what it does to you home’s ductwork? If you think about it, the ductwork is the “lungs” of you home. When there are smokers in the home your ductwork will also suffer. Take a look at...


More Thorough Than The Competition

Quality Dryer Vent Cleaning A new customer called us after she had her dryer vent cleaned by a well-known competitor of ours 6 months ago. She needed her clothes dryer vent cleaned again and just wasn’t happy with the service she received from the competition. She didn’t believe she...


The Leave-Behind: Dirty Vents

Recently I was out quoting a duct cleaning for a new customer. The first thing we saw when we opened the vent was this. Dirty vents! This home had been recently purchased by a nice couple. The home was a foreclosure that was in bad...


Dryer Vent Fires

According to a September 2012 report issued by the National Fire Protection Association, “Home Fires Involving Clothes Dryers and Washington Machines” 4.5% of all reported home structure fires originated with the washer or clothes dryer. With proper care, installation, and cleaning/maintenance, these fires are almost entirely preventable. Clothes Dryer...
